Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama 4 more years

Two terms!!!!!!

Even though it was a very tense night while watching the votes come in, President Barack Obama was re-elected for a second term last night. It all came down to that swing state of Ohio, but eventually President Obama claimed victory with 303 electoral votes, while Mitt Romney had just 206. The election was also swayed this time around by the Latino vote (the fastest growing minority group in America) with President Obama snagging 72 percent of their support nationwide. Women were also concerned about healthcare and their reproductive rights which helped the President snag 53 percent of their vote.

Last night, supporters grooved to music by Al Green, Frankie Beverly & Maze, and even some Beyonce while waving flags in excitement before the president came out to Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed Delivered.” He was accompanied by Michelle Obama and his daughters Sasha and Malia who he thanked during his victory speech:

I wouldn’t be the man I am today without the woman who agreed to marry me 20 years ago. Let me say this publicly. Michelle, I have never loved you more. I have never been prouder to watch the rest of America fall in love with you, too, as our nation’s first lady.

Sasha and Malia — before our very eyes, you’re growing up to become two strong, smart, beautiful young women, just like your mom. And I am so proud of you guys. But I will say that for now, one dog’s probably enough. [laughter]

Celebrities also jumped on social media to congratulate the president and show off their excitement. Check out a few reactions, (including Donald Trump’s) plus the president’s victory speech below:

Star Jones: It is not lady-like to gloat…but tonight I feel like breaking rules! To quote #GOP #MichaelSteele, #Obama spanked that #Romney booty!

Tami Roman: When 2 or more stand in agreement, it is written! S/O 2 all the people who made their voice heard today-Let’s work 2get USA back on track

Mariah Carey: Couldn’t be more Proud of my Country…Congratulations Mr. President!!! Now let’s get back to being “These United States of America”!!! Congratulations to our beloved President Barack Obama, our spectacular First Lady Michelle Obama & the adorable Malia & Sasha. Welove you!

Diddy: It feels even better the secoond time around!!!! #obama2012

Chris Rock: No jokes I’m just happy my girls get to grow up in a better world than I did. Kenyans don’t lose races.

Whoopi Goldberg: I’m so happy, NOW that it appears Prez.Obama has WON will all you racists & nasty vitriolic angry folks GO AWAY& take your CRAP w you. We as Americans have work to do&we dont have time 4 bullshit & we don’t have time 4 ur bullshit.Prez.Obama WON& crying foul ain’t gonna fly

Lady Gaga: I JUST GOT OFF STAGE IN COLUMBIA!! CONGRATULATIONS MR. PRESIDENT @barackobama We are so proud to be American tonight! YES!!! YES! YES!!

Jill Scott: Overjoyed!!!!! Thrilled & jubilant!!!!

Russell Simmons: A NEW AMERICA WINS OVER BIG MONEY! I am so proud to call Barack Obama our President of the United States!

And Beyonce posted to her Tumblr: SORRY MITCHES !!!! Haha to funny.

You also had celebs like Donald Trump that took to twitter in disgust:

We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided! Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us. This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy! Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble…like never before.

Our nation is a once great nation divided! The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy. Hopefully the House of Representatives can hold our country together for four more years…stay strong and never give up! House of Representatives shouldn’t give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare.

This was the Republicans election to win. @MittRomney is a good man but he just never connected with the people. The voting booth process was a total disaster—it could and should be much better and more efficient—tremendous room for error! Another four years–not good for the country but we’ll have to live with it!

Unfortunately, since the Republican Party retained most of the seats in the House of Representatives, it may be a challenge for President Obama to put some of his plans in action and get certain laws passed. Either way, we are still pushing FORWARD!

Personally I'm very excited that are wonderful President and first family got re-elected . I'm looking forward to a better life. This is to show that America has a voice and if we work together we can make what right happen..

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