Saturday, November 10, 2012

Carmelo Anthony gives back to sandy victims

Carmelo Anthony hasn’t forgotten where he came from, and because of that, he was right there to assist the residents of his old neighborhood after they were struck by the wrath of Sandy. This week, Melo paid a visit to his old hood – Columbia Avenue in Brooklyn – to hand out over 500 boxes filled with food and housing supplies to the victims of the hurricane who were left with nothing.

While there, he told reporters that he felt it was his duty to provide for those in need:

I wanted to step up to the forefront. We all know what Sandy did to our city, especially to Brooklyn, and to Red Hook, with us being right here on the water. It hit us pretty bad, so I feel like I’m the face of Red Hook and I wanted to come back and give back to the place I grew up.

I’m one of them, I was once one of them. I grew up running around with a lot of the older guys as a little kid, so for me to come back and to help and give out house supplies and things like that, that’s the least I can do, especially at a time like this.

The residents of Red Hook were very happy to see Carmelo, with one resident telling ESPN:

“Sometimes it feels like we’re the forgotten borough, the forgotten neighborhood,” said Red Hook resident Vanessa Bernard, who has been without power since last Sunday. “This is uplifting. Some families don’t have much at all, and it’s really difficult. Anything helps, and to do this is uplifting.”

Another resident told reporters that Carmelo’s assistance was a blessing:

“This a blessing because I have nothing,” he said after receiving a box of food and housing supplies from Carmelo Anthony. “I have no power, no heat and I was running out of clean clothes. This is a great relief.:

This is refreshing to hear! Although a lot of people have continued on with their lives after Sandy, there are so many people who are still affected and are struggling to deal with the aftermath. Good job Carmelo! It's good to see people give back.

This is Dejah Marie over and out!!

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