Saturday, November 3, 2012

Eve chad twitter beef

Earlier this week, former BBW resident ratchetista Evelyn Lozada supposedly decided that she’ll let the no-contact restraining order placed on her ex-headbutting hubby Chad Johnson expire when he heads back to court in a few months, which means that he would be legally allowed to resume contact with her and possibly be let off of probation early

Sources close to Evelyn were quick to claim that despite her wishes to allow the order to expire, she’s not looking to reunite and just wants to “move on” from it all.

Well, Chad may have just f’d up his chances of getting back on Ev’s good side and having the order removed by doing what he does best…attention-sloring it up on twitter. A game of Q & A with his followers last night looks to have rubbed his hot-headed ex-wifey the wrong way:

Evelyn apparently didn’t find Chad’s fawkery too funny, even though he quickly tried to turn it into a joke:

See what Eveyln had to say shortly after Chad’s foolery on the flip..

To me honestly this is a hot mess !!

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