Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bowwow child support

Attention! Attention! Bowwow has been ordered to pay back child support that he owes his baby's mother Jolie Chavis. The two were arguing over what he should pay a month for his daughter Shae. Bowwow states that he makes $4000 a month working for Cash Money Records before taxes. I'm sure you are all like "How will he afford the $3000 a month in child support?". Well Bowwow is now the new host of BETs 106 N Park, a successful music countdown show. The judge did state that Bowwow still had to pay the $11,500 he owes in back child support to Jolie Chavis. Sources state that due to his having only $1500 (yes you read that right, one thousand five hundred) currently in his checking account that's going to be a pretty tall order. If you're like me, you're wondering where the hell did all his money go? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he just play arguing with Chris Brown not too long ago about who's Ferrari was better or something like that? Yikes!

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